A pledge contract could be a separately concluded contract or a pledge clause of the master contract. 质押合同可以是单独订立的合同,也可以是主合同中的担保条款。
Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't you suggesting that we put these words down in the contract as a separate clause? 如果我说的不对请指正,不过你刚刚是否在说建议这些文字在合同中另列条款?
Clause-style contract means lining out the content of the contract and identifying each clause in detail. 条款式合同是将双方商定同意的合同内容,列成几条,逐条用文字写明。
Conflicts between Contract clause above and this additional clause, if any, it is subject to this additional clause. 本合同上述条款与本附加条款抵触时,以本附加条款为准。
Most of the contract have arbitration clause. 大多数的合同都有仲裁条款。
In some cases, jointly developed the economic aspects of the plan can be modified in the contract of guarantee clause or field service terms. 在有些情况下,共同制定经济方面的计划可以修正合同中的担保条款或现场服务的条款。
There's no need for a contract clause. 我的合同里不需要什么条款。
How to set-up contract price clause for a construction project 建设工程合同价格条款设置
The contract main body quality range and clause should be created when china transplant the American model of law aid contract. 我国应建立法律援助合同项目,建立我国法律援助合同项目势所必然,在移植美国法律援助合同项目模式中应从合同主体、性质、适用范围、条款等方面创新。
The value of this contract clause is calculated and assessed by applying binary tree model in order to efficiently control the risks of Mergers and Acquisitions. 并利用二叉树期权定价方法,计算该支持担保的价值,以有效的控制并购风险。
Concluding of labor contract refers to legal action which makes their right and duty clear through mutual choice and equal consult between employer and labor who reach an agreement on the labor contract clause. 劳动合同的订立,是指劳动者和用人单位经过相互选择和平等协商,就劳动合同条款达成协议,从而确立劳动关系并明确相互权利义务的法律行为。
On the Protection of Business Secret Provided for by 43~ ( rd) Clause of Contract Law A study of Amending Mortgage Clause of the Civil Code of Taiwan District 论合同法第43条对商业秘密的保护我国台湾地区民法承揽人抵押权之修改&兼评祖国大陆《合同法》第286条和有关司法解释
This kind of contract clause was used so widely in our daily life since the end of nineteen century and the beginning of twenty century that every one of us cannot ignore its influence. 它在19世纪末20世纪初以后的社会经济生活中得到了广泛的应用,以至于渗透到了我们每个人的日常生活当中。
The comparison of three different supervision measures preventing market manipulation shows that post-event preventive measure is the most effective one while contract design, delivery clause design in particular, is an effective supplement measure. 三类不同防止市场操纵的监管措施的效率比较,表明事后防止措施是其中最有效率的方法,而合约设计尤其是交割条款的设计是它的一种非常有效的补充方法。
Adhension clause is a kind of contract clause which is stipulated beforehand, provided by one party of the contract, and cannot be negotiated when the parties enter into the contract. 格式条款是指预先拟订的,合同当事人一方为了将来与不特定多数当事人订约而提供使用的,并在订立合同时未与对方协商的合同条款。
Based on analyzing the nature of medical relationship, this chapter demonstrates that the clause is a civil contract clause. 从对医疗关系的性质分析出发,阐述该条款性质上为民事合同条款;
This article analyzed price discount and adjustment in FIDIC contract clause. 本文对FIDIC合同条款中的价格贴现与调整进行了分析。
Format Contract Clause and Its Regulation 论合同格式条款的规制
The fourth part 'the system of force majeure in Anglo-American law ( system)', explains frustration of contract and force majeure clause in Anglo-American law ( system) assume jointly the part function of the system of force majeure. 第四章是英国法上不可抗力制度,该部分说明了合同落空制度与不可抗力条款共同承担不可抗力制度的部分功能。
First, the characters of exemption clause are defined: first, exemption clause is a certain contract clause; 首先明确了免责条款的特征:一是免责条款是一种合同条款;
Research on Labor Contract Clause 劳动合同条款研究
Our country has established this system in Contract, but the stipulations of clause and the judging standards of thorough breach in contract still need to be perfected. 我国《合同法》确立了根本违约制度,但在条文规定和根本违约判定标准的确定上还有待完善。
Compared with the other contract clauses, the format contract clause has striking characteristics and functional advantages. It is adaptive in every economic activity and has drawn the legislative attention of all countries. 合同格式条款与其他合同条款相比较具有鲜明的特点和功能优势,适用经济生活的各个领域,受到各国立法的重视。
In the existing set of circumstances, can be specified in the contract force majeure clause, to avoid the risk of one party to a contract. 在现有的规定的情况下,可以在合同中约定不可抗力条款,来规避合同一方的风险。
Among many insurance contract clauses, the excepted liability clause is an important clause which is concerned by both parties of the contract. 在保险合同的众多条款中,保险人的除外责任条款是当事人双方共同关注的一项重要条款。
Invalidity of the minimum-guarantee clause should not affect the effect of other clauses of the entrusted wealth management contract, such as profit distribution clause. 保底条款无效不应影响委托理财合同其他条款的效力,比如盈利分配约定应属有效。
Secondly, analyzing whether Article ⅱ of Chapter ⅱ of "loan contract" is an invalid fluidity clause. 第二,分析《借款合同》第二章第二条约定是否是流质条款。
However, with the application of the standard clauses in the mobile telecom service industry, some legal problems appear in mobile telecom service contract which mainly refers to unfair standard clause unilaterally generated by some operators to avoid their legal obligation and reduce their own responsibility. 但是,随着格式条款在移动通信服务业的普遍应用,一些法律问题不可避免的出现在移动通信服务合同中,主要是指一些经营者单方面制定的逃避法定义务,减免自身责任的不平等格式条款。
Enterprises and farmers 'mutual choice reflects in the contract clause agreement. 企业与农户的相互选择体现在契约条款的约定上。
Need to remove the form tour contract "despot clause", should adopt multivariant way such as legislation, administrative judicature, and corporation industry autonomy carrying out effective gauge system. 4 、 Perfect dyadic our country price tour contract suggestion. 笔者认为要彻底消除包价格式旅游合同中的霸王条款,当采取立法、行政、司法及社团行业自律等多元途径进行综合规制。4、完善我国包价格式旅游合同的建议。